Five years liberated from my obsession with alcohol. I do not use the word obsession lightly. When you are gripped by booze, it takes over your body, your mind — your life.
“Am I drinking too much? Can I stop? Do I want to stop?” I would ponder these questions hour-by-hour for years. It’s been 1,821 days since those thoughts ruled my head, and I cannot tell you the freedom I feel having my mind (and my time) back. To be able to consistently wake up and trust myself is a luxury I try not to take for granted.

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, I will run the Chicago Marathon. I am partnering with the Haymarket Center in Chicago, a nonprofit recovery center, to raise $5,000. You can contribute to our Living Recovered fund by donating directly below. They have been kind enough to set up this page specifically for this campaign.
I started #livingrecovered to shed light on the disease of addiction and to show another way to recovery. There are multiple paths that lead to addiction, and I believe there are multiple paths out of it. I have found mine. If you are struggling and need assistance, please reach out. Two things to remember: the choice to change can only be made by you, and you are not alone.
Much love,
McCord Henry
Follow McCord’s journey on Instagram at @mccordhenry and @scriptedwit.
In honor of National Recovery Month in September, Pendry Chicago, Pendry Manhattan West, and Sagamore Pendry Baltimore ( are joining in the Living Recovered campaign to raise funds for Haymarket Center. To date (9.7.2022), the Campaign has raised $2,860 toward it’s $5,000 goal. Thank you to all who are supporting this effort.