When planning a fundraising event like a Gala, there are a lot of moving parts to ensure the success of the event. No detail can be forgotten in the process, including framing the event around an organization’s mission. Every year, our event committee makes it their goal to keep our fundraising event focused on the individuals that are affected by substance use disorder the most – our patients.
For over five years, Tanya Davis, a Haymarket Center Board Member and our Event Committee Chair, has organized a patient art project that we incorporate into our fundraising event with the help of volunteer artist Kriste Sveen of Inspired Creations. “We wanted to make sure that the event is focused on the voice of our clients,” Tanya says, “Fundraisers are so much more than a night out. These art projects give humanity a face.” Kriste and Tanya agree that our event committee members have a heart for people, and the committee is honored to give back to the patients using art.

This year’s project will feature patient Neurographic drawings, a method of illustration that puts the creator in touch with their emotions through a physical manifestation on the page. Through channeling their emotions, the creator takes three to four seconds to move their marker whichever way comes to mind. Then, when the page is filled with various shapes and lines, the patient carefully rounds out the edges. The process is meant to help the creator let go of negative emotions as they pass through the lines.
“It’s a privilege to bring art to different communities like Haymarket Center,” Kriste said, “Patients can use the medium as a form of self-expression and tap into a place that words cannot convey.” “The stigma surrounding substance use disorders often makes people forget that patients have an actual story,” Tanya adds, “The art serves a greater purpose that allows a patient presence that would not otherwise be at the event.” Patient artwork will be featured on each table at this year’s Gala as part of the main centerpiece, along with descriptions of the pieces from each artist.
You can check out the artwork created by patients at our 2022 Haymarket Gala, virtually or in person on April 9th at the Advocate Center in Chicago. Your support through your ticket purchase increases access to substance use disorder services at Haymarket Center. Get your tickets here.